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- (10/25/2024) L005 | The AI-Contaminated Internet [on LinkedIn]
- (09/19/2024) L001 | A Chicago Comeback: Influit Energy [on LinkedIn]
- (08/28/2024) M009 | Professionalism when Under Pressure [on Medium]
- (08/20/2024) M008 | My College Career Began with OMNI Magazine [on Medium]
- (08/01/2024) M005 | Get Started in Science with a Big Bang by Getting More Out of Less Writing [on The Quantastic Journal]
- (07/11/2024) M004 | Measuring Thing [on The Quantastic Journal]
- (02/02/2024) C023 | Declutter and Filter Your Life
- (01/16/2024) C022 | My First Job
- (07/12/2023) C021 | The Finer Points of My Scientific Discovery
- (07/05/2023) C020 | Chemistry: A 1/2 Factor in My Scientific Discovery
- (07/03/2023) C019 | How Do You Refocus When You're Interrupted?
- (07/03/2023) C018 | My Non-Crackpot Scientific Discovery
- (06/26/2023) C017 | Reception of My Scientific Discovery
- (06/23/2023) C016 | Making a Scientific Discovery
- (06/23/2023) C015 | The Loneliness of Scientific Discovery
- (06/23/2023) C014 | Empathy: A Top Ten Requirement of a Globally Connected Species
- (05/22/2023) C013 | Multitasking: What's It Good For?
- (05/19/2023) C012 | Science/Fiction Mashup: The Number 42
- (05/11/2023) C011 | What it Takes to Be a Fully Self-Aware AI
- (03/31/2023) C008 | TMI: Too Much Information(?)
- (03/31/2023) C007 | The Salad Plate of Quantum Physics
- (03/31/2023) C006 | "Less is More"
- (03/31/2023) C005 | Is Withdrawing from Class a Bad Thing?
- (03/31/2023) C004 | Professionalism When Under Pressure
- (11/08/2022) C003 | Anthropomorphism in Science
- (10/30/2022) C002 | My Doctoral Advisor, Ray Tsu
- 10/20/2022) 006 | Discrete Transformations in the Thomson Problem