C002 | My Doctoral Advisor, Raphael (Ray) Tsu

Ray and me at the Flying Saucer, Charlotte, NC. 2006.

As I've been updating some pages on Wikipedia lately, I came across the page for my doctoral advisor. After updating several cited papers on the site, I realized that the university's page including his biography doesn't exist any more. I decided to find it on the Wayback Machine and duplicate the main and biography pages here. The most recent version of the biography page was archived in 2017; the main page was archived in 2021. Ray is Professor Emeritus today.

The photo to the right was taken at Flying Saucer Draught Emporium a "chain taproom offering 200_+ global beers & pub fare in tavernlike surroundings" back in Charlotte, NC. Ray threw a bit of a celebratory party for me the day after I successfully defended my doctoral thesis. I was extremely tired, having stayed up most of the night making extensive and much-needed revisions to the written dissertation that a committee member, Lee Casperson (chair of EE at the time), requested. Ray stuck Lee on my committee at the very last minute because of his background in electromagnetism and the subject of my work. I'll leave further remarks for another page. There are several other photos from The Flying Saucer that day. I'll post them in a separate page. I was so tired during this dinner I was likely more "drunk" for a sober guy than anyone else present (as the photos may reveal).

The photo below was taken by a friend of mine, Joo Won Choi, who started working with our masters advisor the exact same day in late 1997. He completed his doctoral degree under the same professor (not Ray). I recall Joo Won going around with an SLR camera one day getting several professors in CARC (Cameron Applied Research Center) to pose for him. I suspect the date was about 2003 -- though the earliest archived version of the photo on the main page was in 2013..

Ray and me at Arapahoe Basin Ski Area
(Colorado, December 2006)

You may notice the last two cited references of the biography page are a couple he and I published together. The text cites a paper concerning the "impedance of a wave function" (ref [26]) that doesn't appear on the archived page. I'm not sure which paper exactly this is. Though I wrote the bulk of the first paper, it was written very carefully since the first author's contributed work was minimal. The left no remarks concerning the most recent discoveries I made at the time about the classical electrostatic underpinnings of the periodic table. Ray had promised his former student to write a paper with him. This was that paper.

Ray was eager to tag along with me on an interview at NIST in Boulder, CO. Frankly, the trip was the first time I had ever been on a plane, and I vividly recall being utterly terrified when the plane took off from Charlotte-Douglas International Airport. The businessman in the seat next to me said he hated the take-off from Charlotte because of the two steep and sharp turns the plane often does on west-bound flights. He could tell I was terrified -- it's why he told me the story. He said he wasn't sure this was the best way to experience a first-flight. And, yes, the two sharp banks just after take-off were terrifying. On the return flight, however, I eagerly had my nose pressed up against the window to watch everything during take-off and landing. . . .Back to the NIST interview. Without saying much about the details of the visit (saved for public consumption for another day) Ray insisted that we venture out to A-Basin. Not only had I never been on a plane before this trip, I had never skied on snow before (despite snow being among my favorite things in the world). I certainly had never downhill skied. Ray, however, was excited to be back on the slopes and did a few before we headed back to our hotel rooms in Denver. I was much too shaken from the plane experience to enjoy myself at all during this trip. I learned a lot about Ray, though, so it was worth it.

I did meet up with one of my best friends from my undergraduate physics program at IIT. He and his wife came out for dinner with us. He loves skiing. She loves snowboarding. I decided snowboarding would likely be the better option for me. So perhaps I'll take that up in the near future.

An Unexpected Surprise

As I prepared some of the notes for this page, to my surprise, I stumbled upon a book Ray recently published. It's autobiographical in nature alongside several great remarks about parallel historical events surrounding his early life. The book is The World and I (2018), available in softcover from Amazon. There is a Chinese language version on Amazon as well. I received a copy yesterday and have begun reading it. I may review it when I've completed a full read.


Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20210727095257/http://coefs.uncc.edu/tsu/

Archived: 2021

Date Posted Here: October 28, 2022

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Raphael Tsu, Distinguished Professor

B.S. University of Dayton, M.S. & Ph.D., Ohio State University

Office: Cameron 248

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20170530093447/http://coefs.uncc.edu/tsu/biography/

Archived: 2017

Date Posted Here: October 28, 2022

Ray Tsu



Professor Raphael Tsu (with Tsu replaced by Zhu in pinyin) is a world leader in the areas of quantum properties of materials and device physics. An acknowledged authority in these subjects Professor Tsu has published nearly two hundred scholarly papers in scientific journals; an author of a monograph on quantum wells and superlattice materials and devices [1] of which he is a co-inventor, holder of several patents for his discoveries and invention. The description of his research contributions while at the IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights was presented to the White House by the US Army Research Office, The Superlattice Story, played an important role in the 90s towards the US National Nanoscience Initiative (NNI).

Professor Tsu was born in a Catholic family in Shanghai, China. It is not generally known that the establishment of the Chinese Catholic Church in 1601 by Ricci, a Jesuit, was helped from within the Emperors court of the Ming Dynasty. As a child he was inspired by his great uncle who in 1926 was amongst the first six Chinese bishops ever to be consecrated at the Vatican in Rome and as a teenager by his US educated father Adrian and French educated uncle, Louis. His father side grandfather and great uncle were pioneers in power plant and modern shipyard in Shanghai. When he was leaving Shanghai, his great uncle, in his death bed told him to remember the old Chinese saying that to succeed needs the right tool. Raphael Tsu emigrated to the west, first to study physics in England and later earned a PhD from Ohio State University. Professor Tsu built upon the progress in quantum mechanics made during the first half of the twentieth century into man-made quantum solids.

After several years working as a member of the Technical Staff at the world famous Bell Laboratories (BTL) at Murray Hill, NJ, developing ultrasonic amplifier, a mechanism invented by Dr. D.L. White, Professor Tsu moved to the IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY as an associate to Dr. Leo Esaki, the inventor of Esaki diodes [2] and Physics Nobel laureate in 1973. That was the beginning of his well known collaboration with Esaki, working on the theory of man-made quantum materials, superlattices and quantum wells.

By his theoretical calculations Professor Tsu proved that the quantum states can be designed in multiple layers of semiconductors in a superlattice structure.  In comparison to the atomic size lattice constants of natural crystals, the periodic repeat distance in man-made devices can be much longer and hence the relevant reciprocal wave vector and crystal momentum are very small. He also provided the first quantum theoretical calculations of Negative Differential Conductance (NDC) in such artificial materials [3].

Dr. Tsu’s theory required the fabrication of precise multi-layer semiconductor films. Such fabrication can only be achieved with ultra-high purity chemicals, heated to the vapor state and then allowing the vapor to condense on single crystal supporting bases known as substrates, while the entire assembly is held under extremely low gas pressure in very high vacuum. This process is repeated, alternating with vapors of different compositions until a superlattice with the desired thickness and number of atomic layers are produced. The initial rapid development of these new materials and devices [1] owes much to the professional competition between IBM and Bell telephone corporations.  These works lead to the discovery of zone-folding in energy-momentum for electrons [3] as well as for phonons [4], resonant tunneling [5,6], the famous Tsu – Esaki current density formula [5,7], and the tunneling time [8]. Returning from a year in Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, under the Alexander von Humboldt Award, where Professor Tsu served to popularize superlattice and quantum wells in Europe and Germany, he was given a new assignment at IBM, to catch up with BTL in laser annealing, where the most perfect silicon was produced. It was during this phase of his career; he discovered that crystalline silicon may be amorphized by pulsed UV laser, [9] and teaming up with Dr. Jim Van Vecten to propose the non-thermal reordering with high power pulse laser. [10]

Later Professor Tsu joined the Amorphous Semiconductors Institute (ASI) and directed energy research at Energy Conversion Devices (ECD) in MI near Detroit invited by the famous inventor Stan Ovshinsky. His contribution there included the first experimental determination of the volume fraction of crystallinity for conductivity percolation in amorphous silicon and Germanium [11], and providing experimental proof the existence of an intermediate order. [12] He discovered experimentally that post annealing with H2 and even O2 can drastically remove dangling bond defects in amorphous silicon.[13] During 1985-1987 Professor Tsu was the amorphous silicon program group leader at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (then known as SERI, Solar Energy Research Institute) at Golden, Co. His theoretical derivation of the relationship between the optical absorption and disorder in amorphous silicon and germanium in terms of fundamental constants shows that the slope of the famous Tauc plot is uniquely determined by the oscillator strength of the transition, the deformation potential and the mean deviation of the atomic coordinates obtained from the RDF. [14] Other important theory includes hopping conduction in superlattice [15], and Bloch oscillator [16] which became the highest THz oscillators.

Dr. Tsu is currently holder of the position of Distinguished Professor of electrical engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Early on at UNCC, he became the first to offer proof that quantum confinement plays an important role in porous silicon, [17] as well as providing the theory and experiment of a quantum step, instead of quantum well. [18] He teamed up with Prof. E. Nicollian and Q. Ye [19] in the earliest conductance measurements through silicon quantum dots, showing conductance peaks leading conductance steps, a many body effect which is only understood recently. [20] Other recent research interests of his include the theory of dielectric constant, capacitance and doping of a quantum dot [21] [22], [23]. Basically as size is reduced to nanometer regime, dielectric constant is drastically reduced, making doping almost impossible, and the capacitance can only be defined via energy because equal potentials for few electrons are meaningless in general. [24] This work led to extremely curious results, the difference in the total interaction energy of N electrons confined inside a sphere versus N contains features given by the periodic table of elements, the shell model of the atomic system. [25]

He was also amongst the first to derive the quantum mechanical formula to calculate the impedance of a wave function and show that just as Maxwell?s electromagnetic waves experience 376.7 W free space impedance, the propagation of a quantum mechanical wave even in a perfectly phonon free, non-dissipative system involves a quantum wave impedance, QWI ~ Nh/e2, where h is Planck’s constant, e the unit of electronic charge and N is an integer or a fractional number [26].

In 1972, he organized a group and was invited by the Chinese Science Academy which resulted in the first report on the technology in China published in Scientific American. This led to his involvement through establishing the first Chinese Scientific delegation visit to the US, which was invited by the US-China Relations Committee of the US Academy of Science in November. During this visit, he worked with the US State Department for the program and logistics on the East Coast. This effort contributed to the opening of scientific exchange between United States and China.

Professor Raphael Tsu is a fellow of the American Physical Society and member International Advisory Board of the Microelectronic Journal, Elsevier; winner of: Outstanding Contribution Award -IBM 1975; Alexander von Humboldt Award 1975; Co-winner Am. Phys. Soc. International New Materials Prize 1985



1. Applying the insight into superlattices and quantum wells for nanostructures: Low-dimensional structures and devices, Microelectronics J. 38, no.10-11, p.959-1012 Oct/Nov 2007.
2. New Phenomenon in narrow germanium p-n junctions, Phys. Rev. 109, 603 (1958).??
3. See Twenty years later, after the path breaking work of Esaki and Tsu on negative differential conductivity in superlattices, I realized that I had in fact anticipated their basic physics, albeit in a more primitive form: What was not possible in bulk semiconductors, appeared to become possible in superlattices with their much longer period? Herbert Kroemer in http://nobelprize.org/nobelprizes/physics/laureates/2000/kroemer-autobio.html See also L Esaki and R. Tsu, IBM J. Res. Develop. 14, 61 (1970).
4. Phonon and polariton modes in a superlattice, R. Tsu and S. S. Jha, Appl. Phys. Lett. 20, 16 1972.
5. R. Tsu and L. Esaki, Appl. Phys Lett. 22, 562 (1973).
6. Resonant Tunneling in Semiconductor Double Barriers. L.L. Chang, L. Esaki and R. Tsu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 24, 593 (1974).
7. Quantum-mechanical tunneling time and its relation to the Tsu-Esaki formula, Marc M. Cahay , et al Proceedings of SPIE 1675, 142 (1992).
8. Superlattice to Nanoelectronics, R. Tsu, (Elsevier 2005) Chapter 2.
9. Order-Disorder Transition in Single-Crystal Silicon by Pulsed UV Laser, R. Tsu, R. T. Hodgson, T. Y. Tan and J. E. Baglin, Phys. Rev. Lett.? 42, 1356 (1979).
10. Nonthermal Pulsed Laser Annealing of Si; Plasma Annealing, J. A. Van Vechten, R. Tsu and? F. W. Saris, Phys. Lett. 74A(6), 422 (1979).
11. Critical Volume Fraction of Crystallinity for Conductivity Percolation in P-doped Si:F:H Alloys, R. Tsu, J. G. Hernandez, S. S. Chao, S. C. Lee and K. Tanaka, APL 40, 534 (1982).
12. Electroreflectance and Raman Investigation of Glow-Discharge Amorphous Si:F:H, R. Tsu, M. Isu, S. R. Ovshinsky and F. H. Pollak, Solid State Comm. 36, 817 (1980).

13.   Passivation of Dangling Bonds in Amorphous Silicon and Germanium by Gas Absorption, R. Tsu, D. Martin, J. Hernandez and S. R. Ovshinsky, Phys. Rev. B 35,2385 (1987).

14.  Optical Absorption and Disorder in Hydrogenated amorphous Si-Ge and Si-C Alloys systems, R. Tsu, P. Menna, and A.H. Mahan, Solar Cells, 21 189,(1987)

15. Hopping Conduction in a Superlattice, R. Tsu, and G. Dohler, Phys. Rev. B 12, 680, (1975).
16. Stark Quantization in? Superlattices, R. Tsu and L. Esaki, Phys. Rev. B 43, 5204 (1991).
17. Correlation of Raman and? PL Spectra of Porous Silcon, R. Tsu, H. Shen and M. Dutta, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 112 (1992).
18. Optical Properties of Quantum Steps, H. Shen, F. H. Pollak and R. Tsu, Appl. Phys. Lett.57,13(1990).
19. Resonant Tunneling Via Microcrystalline Silicon Quantum Confinement, Q. Y. Ye, R. Tsu and E. H. Nicollian, Phys. Rev. B 44, 1806 (1991).

20.  Revisiting tunneling via Si-quantum dots, R. Tsu, Microelectr. J.,2007, in press, doi:10.1016/j.mejo.2007.07.008.

21. A Simple Model For The Dielectric Constant Of Nanoscale Silicon Particle, R. Tsu, D.Babic, and L.Ioriatti,J. Appl. Phys. 82, 1327(1997)
22. Ground State Energies of One-and Two-Electron Silicon Dots,D. Babic, R. Tsu and R. F. Greene, Phys. Rev. B 45, 14150 (1992).
23. Doping of a Quantum Dot, R. Tsu and D. Babic, Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 1806 (1994).
24. Classical capacitance of few-electron dielectric spheres, J. Zhu, T.J. LaFave and R. Tsu, Microelectronic J. 37, 1293 (2006)

25.  Capacitance: A property of nanoscale materials based on spatial symmetry of discrete electrons, T. LaFave Jr., and R. Tsu, Microelectronics J. 38 11-12, 200726. Timir Datta & Raphael Tsu arXiv:cond-mat/0311479v1