28 | The Idiot

If you know, tell.

If you think, express.

If you give a damn, do something.


Don't just cover in the corner of your mind

like a child too afraid to cross the street.

You are stuck on your chained child's mind

in your baby's crib with walls too high.

You are easily amused by the rattle of your chatter

your anal pellets of sunshine.


You take solace in your banter

your deceitful lies and selective memories

You love the feel of the podium

your artificial heart-felt self-aggrandiizing soap box.


You murmur when the tasks smell difficult

and mumble when your mind is caught off balance.

You stutter with standby cliches

and fumble when you choose to condescend.


You may know much of the subject

but your students would never know.

Your condescension fills our time and space

with your enslaving tasks and nonsense.