01 | The Original Transfer Function Library

This resource is currently being REDEVELOPED (9/26/2022).

The original xFig based transfer function library (limit) will be available here very soon, however, you're likely to greatly appreciate the redeveloped version once it's available.

xfig_01.png   xfig_02.png   xfig_03a.png


Transfer Function Library for xFig (Original): Transfer_Functions.zip


An original version of the transfer function library was created for use with xFig that is typically used under Linux. The xFig library will be updated and made available here soon. The advantage of this original library created for xFig is that xFig natively exports to publication-quality encapsulated postscript (.eps) format (happily used by reputable publications for decades) while PowerPoint does not. Instead, PowerPoint can export to .png and others that are acceptably publication-quality.

If you currently have access to a Linux distribution, you may try running the app by issuing "xfig" at the command line. If it's not installed, you will want to install it for your distribution as it is an invaluable research graphics tool designed for rapid, professional, publication-quality graphics with no frills. While xFig can run under different operating platforms, the availability of .eps export may not be uniform. You'll want to check back for my user manual on xFig concerning the use of this library under xFig to quickly learn how to export publication-quality images.

The original library is clunkier to use than the redeveloped version to appear here in the near future. Be sure to return to this site soon.

For now, follow the xFig Library Guide for Advanced Users link below for a rough guide of its use suitable for advanced users.