0.6 | List of Figures

1.1 | Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors

1.2 | Basic MOSFET Goals

1.3 | Three Types of Thin Films

1.4 | Bravais Lattices

1.5 | Homoepitaxy/Heteroepitaxy

1.6 | Several Crystal Defects

1.7 | Basic Diffusion Mechanisms

1.8 | Simplified Construction of Diffusion System

1.9 | Mathematical Reconstruction of \(1 \times 1\) to  \(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3}\) Surface

1.10 | Model of the Ideal Si(111)\(1 \times 1\) Surface

1.11 | \( 1\times 1\) and \(2 \times 2\) Surface Schematic

1.12 | \(7\times 7\) Reconstructed Superstructure

1.13 | The Unstable Vacancy Model of the \(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3}\) Surface

1.14 | Si(100)\(2\times1\) Reconstruction

2.1 | Liquid Metal Mediated (LMM) Epitaxy

2.2 | Solid Phase Epitaxy (SPE)

2.3 | The Based SMME Model

2.4 | SMME Diffusion Model

2.5 | Theoretical SI Concentration in Al at \(400^\circ \)C

2.6 | Al Addimer Formation on Si(100)\(2\times 1 \) Surface

2.7 | Drosd-Washburn Atomistic Growth Direction Model

2.8 | Drosd-Washburn Atomistic Growth Model for Si(10)

3.1 | Solid Phase Epitaxy vs SMM-SOI

3.2 | SPE-SOI Facet Formation

3.3 | Separation by Implanted Oxygen (SIMOX) Process

3.4 | Wafer Bonding Methods

3.5 | SMME: Cross-Sectional TEM

3.6 | Basic SMM-SOI Process

3.7 | Simplified Kinetic Model of Mediator Interactions with Oxide and Substrate

3.8 | Proposed Kinetic Model for SMM-SOI Diffusors

3.9 | Lateral SMME Diffusion

3.10 | Si(110) Growth Enhancement

4.1 | Oxide Patterning Process

4.2 | Photolithographic Mask & Seed/Oxide Dimensional Ratio

4.3 | Buffered Oxide and Reactive Ion Etch (RIE)

4.4 | Epitaxial Deposition Process Map

4.5 | Deposition Rate of Al Mediator

4.6 | Deposition Rate of Si Diffusor

4.7 | Substrate Heater/Holder Assembly

4.8 | Pyrometer/Thermocouple Temperature Calibration

5.1 | RHEED Investigation of SMME Si(111)

5.2 | SEM Micrographs of SMME Si(111)

5.3 | RHEED Investigation of SMME SI(100)

5.4 | SEM Micrographs of SMME Si(100)

5.5 | Optical Micrographs of Photoresist

5.6 | SEM Micrographs of Oxide patterns

5.7 | AFM of Vertical Oxide Wall and Seed Area

5.8 | In Situ RHEED Analysis of SMM-SOI Sample

5.9 | Cross Sectional SEM of SMM-SOI Si(111)

5.10 | Shallow Angle of RHEED Beam

5.11 | RHEED Investigation of SMM-SOi Si(111)

5.12 | Cross Sectional TEM of SMM-SOI Si(100)

5.13 | Selected Area Diffraction (SAD) of SMM-SOI Si(100)

5.14 | Optical Mosaic from 10/10 µm Region

5.15 | SEM Mosaic of 10/10 µm Region

5.16 | Schematic of 10/10 µm SOI Investigations

5.17 | SEM of 50/500 µm Region

5.18 | SEM from 2/5 µm Region

5.19 | SEM from 5/10 µm Region

A.1 | Symmetry of the Gaussian Function

A.2 | The Error Function

A.3 | The Complementary Error Function

B.1 | Thermal Oxidation Furnace

B.2 | Photolithographic Equipment

B.3 | Onsite Reactive Ion Etch

B.4 | Stereoscan SEM

B.5 | Molecular Beam Epitaxy System

B.6 | Zeiss 10C Transmission Electron Microscope

C.1 | (001) Diffraction Pattern

C.2 | (011) Diffraction Pattern

C.3 | (111) Diffraction Pattern