My Personal Research

ResearchGate: 300 reads of Discrete Transformations in the Thomson Problem

Well, it's not something I'd go out to dinner with someone special or throw a little party at my house to celebrate, but hey, achieving 300 reads for one of my published papers on ResearchGate is a good thing to celebrate by posting a quick blog entry to discuss some interesting things about my thinking on the problem of the Thomson Problem.

You can access the paper on the Journal of Electrostatics website or for free at arXiv. It would be worth the effort for you to understand the figure below. Meanwhile, also click through here to get to my blog entry to read a little more. It's about one of the underlying things that nagged me so much it led me to discover a connection between J.J. Thomson's plum pudding model of the atom and real atomic structure throughout the periodic table of elements.
