16 | The User

The user is the one with a feitsh

allowing machines to dictate his stature

he is fascinated by shiny objects

objects made of steel


The user is the one addicted

to the panging beat of a piston

the metallic clanking of fortified parts

parts made of steel


The user is the one who shutters

in the face of hunanity

the one who drives soldiers to their detahs

deaths determined by the weight of the steel.


The user is the one -- the only one

in his own little mind

his thoughts are the only thoughts

of machines and steel.


The user is the hitler

the one who rallies his troops

to fix his machines

and crush his imaginary enemies


The user is dictated to by his machines

the machines that have stolen his soul

He is not the user of machines but of people

People made of flesh and blood.