The technique of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) permits growth of device-quality layers of semiconductor thin films with atomic resolution.
The base pressure of the MBE system used is $\sim 10^{-10}$ Torr attainable with a variety of pumps including a cryopump, turbomolecular pump, ion pump, titanium sublimation pump, and two mechanical pumps for initial evacuation of the system. The high grade stainless steel system (Fig. B.5) has three main subsystems that may each be independently evacuated: the deposition, analysis and preparation, and load lock entry chambers.
Figure B.5. Molecular Beam Epitaxy System. Shaded components were used for the current investigation. The metals section is a future expansion that was not used. The Al metal deposition was conducted in the grayed deposition chamber together with Si. |