2.2.2 | Solid Phase Epitaxy (SPE)

Solid phase epitaxy (SPE)[1] involves the deposition of an amorphous layer followed by an annealing stage. An a-Si layer was deposited on a p-Al mediator film[2] (Fig. 2.2a), then thermally annealed for about ten hours at temperatures of \(450 - 530^\circ \textrm{C}\). The a-Si was observed to have diffused through the p-Al layer toward the buried Al/Si interface. In a similar experiment[3], with a shorter annealing stage of four hours at \(400^\circ \textrm{C}\) then thirty minutes at \(500^\circ \textrm{C}\), the Si reportedly diffused through the p-Al film. However, no information regarding the quality of the buried Si thin film was published. In original experiments[4], c-Al(111) was shown to grow initially, followed by the subsequent growth of c-Si(111) at the buried c-Si/c-Al interface.






Figure 2-2. Solid Phase Epitaxy (SPE) a) An a-Si layer is deposited atop a p-Al film. b) After annealing, the product of SPE is a substrate/p-c diffusor/p-mediator sandwich. The resulting structure has a relatively poor quality buried Si film, and the resulting p-Al/Si interface is jagged.

Other SPE experiments have made use of a wide variety of mediator and diffusing materials. SMME is anticipated to be useful with a similar array of materials and better-quality crystalline films.



  1. O. Hellman, Topics in Solid Phase Epitaxy: Strain, Structure and Geometry, Materials Science and Engineering, vol. R16, no. 1, 1996.
  2. G. Majni and Ottaviani, G., Solid Phase Epitaxial Growth of Si Through Al Film, Proceedings of the Symposium on Thin Film Phenomena Interfaces and Interactions, vol. 78. p. 293, 1978.
  3. B. - Y. Tsaur, Turner, G. W., and Fan, J. C. C., Efficient Si solar cells by low‐temperature solid‐phase epitaxy, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 39, 1981.
  4. M. - A. Hasan, Sundgren, J. E., and Greene, J. E., Epitaxial Growth of Si(111) at Buried Interfaces Using Solid-Metal Mediated Molecular Beam Epitaxy, in 1996 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1996.